How Does Paying Rent Late Affect Your Credit?

How Does Paying Rent Late Affect Your Credit?


6 Min Read

All payments should be made on time, whether it’s your phone bill or rent. This not only gives you peace of mind but also helps you avoid the risks of harming your credit. However, most people get into a situation where they don’t have enough cash to give landlords their rent payments on time. It can happen due to unexpected expenses like medical bills or just bad spending habits. It’s important to know that different contracts lead to different consequences. So, does paying rent late affect your credit score? Let’s find out.

Lease Basics

A lease is a contract that binds you and the property owner. This contract can vary depending on where you live and what conditions the landlord has. Here are some clauses you might or might not see on your lease:

Payment amount and schedule. This clause typically specifies the amount you must pay for renting the property along with the payment schedule. It can also specify the period after which the landlord can take action against you.

Security deposit. This point outlines the deposit amount as well as what it’s for. It is typically meant to cover property damages or late payments.

Lease duration. The contract duration states the period of time you are entitled to use the property. This point can be voided if other conditions are violated.

Property usage conditions. Many landlords prohibit you from making certain changes to their property. Additionally it might mention any pet policies the property owner has.

Reporting to credit bureaus. This clause states whether the landlord will report you to the three bureaus that handle your credit history.

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Does Late Rent Really Affect Credit Score?

If your contract states that your payments will be reported to a credit bureau regardless of whether you are late or not, then your credit score will definitely be affected. In other situations, it mostly depends on the owner and their practices.

Do All Landlords Report Late Rent?

Your landlord can easily report to credit bureaus if you are past your rent’s due date. This will harm your credit score and cause issues if you want to take a loan or open a new credit card. But do all landlords really report late rent? Not quite. The main reason is the complexity of the process. Owners that work with a small number of properties often do not want to go through the trouble and prefer to sort out the situation directly with the renter.

Larger property owners do, however, often work with credit bureaus. They do so not only in cases of late rent payments but also to check the potential renters reliability. These landlords might check your credit score even before you sign the lease. Additionally, keep in mind that negative reports will stay in your credit history for up to 7 years.

What Else to Expect in Case of Late Payments

Besides a negative influence on your credit score, there are other consequences you need to be aware of.

  • Late fees. This is typically the first thing a renter will deal with if they’re late. The exact amount is outlined in the contract.
  • Security deposit. The landlord might use a part or all of your security deposit to cover the rent payment you missed.
  • No lease renewal. You might lose the chance to renew your lease if you miss your rent payments.
  • Eviction. If you continue to be late on your rent payments, the landlord might evict you.
  • Rental history. In case the property owner reports you to credit bureaus, it might be hard to find a new place.
  • Collection agencies. If you haven’t paid in a long time, the landlord might pass your debt to a collection agency. They will most likely report your late payments to credit bureaus and may even sue you for your unpaid debt.
  • Strained relationship. Even if your landlord doesn’t take negative actions against you, they might be less likely to provide off-the-contract assistance, and be less understanding in the future.

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How to Check if You’ve Been Reported

You can check whether the property owner reported your payments by analyzing your credit history. Every 12 months, you can get a free report from the major credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Look for any entries related to rental payments. If you find them, that means your landlord reports you.

What Can You Do if You’re Late on Your Rent Payments?

The first thing you should do is talk to your landlord as soon as you feel like you won’t be able to pay your rent on time. Explain the situation and assure them it’s a one-time situation that won’t repeat in the future. Tell them when you’ll be able to make the payment, and you might have a chance to avoid negative consequences.

Keep in mind that you are not entitled to the owner’s kindness and understanding. They might still reject your requests, and follow the rules outlined in your lease. However, if you properly communicate with the landlord, your chance to avoid problems will be significantly higher.

If you find yourself in a tight spot, consider emergency loans for rent to provide immediate assistance in covering your expenses.

Final Thoughts

While not all property owners report to credit bureaus, your credit score might still be at risk if you’re late on your rent payments. Besides hurting your credit, you have other consequences to deal with, including late fees, loss of security deposit and even eviction.

It’s extremely important to make timely rent payments to maintain a good relationship with the property owner and avoid any problems. If you are late, talk to the landlord as soon as possible. They might be understanding and give you an extension on the payment. However, be sure to hold your end of the deal and avoid late payments in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a one-time late payment affect my credit score?

If you don’t make late rent payments regularly, you have a chance to avoid damaging your credit score by simply talking to the property owner. However, it depends on your landlord and the contract terms.

How long does a late rent payment stay on my credit report?

A late payment usually stays on your report for up to 7 years.

Can I remove a late rent payment from my credit report?

You can dispute a late payment if you have proof the information is incorrect. Otherwise, this information will not be changed or removed.

How much does my credit score decrease after 1 late payment?

Your payment history makes up 35% of your credit score. While the actual score drop can vary, you can expect to lose around 100 points.

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Kerry Vetter

Written by Kerry Vetter

Written by Kerry Vetter

Kerry is a finance expert thanks to her Boston College education during the 1990s. Today she shares this valuable knowledge through the pen and online from her home in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. The years of experience results in relevant, practical and wise advice.

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